Inner Me Session - Ayurveda and Stress management

Fight-or-flight? An instinct developed to save lives in emergencies has helped humans cope with moments of crisis through the ages. However, when stress is intense and prolonged or accompanied by negative emotions such as hostility, the adrenal cortex begins to secrete the hormone cortisol, which is associated with the decline in performance, disease and premature death.

Therefore, to reduce the stress response in the body, thereby limiting adrenaline rush and the release of cortisol, we must train the body and mind and eliminate physical, mental and emotional toxins. Ayurveda and its sister, Yoga, are a path to personal power, helping people learn how to gain control over the mind.

Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word that translates as “The science of life”. It is the traditional medicine system of India. Ayurveda is based on the idea that a harmonious life is the basis for maintenance of health.

Why not create harmony between yourself and your environment?

Ayurveda recommends a number of subtle and powerful therapies of detoxification and rejuvenation like massages, special diet, pranayama, yoga, and meditation. These practices lead you to self-knowledge, help manage stress and increase immunity. They also cultivate happiness and enhance optimism. A number of Ayurvedic herbs also foster health in the mind and the nervous system and can be incredibly supportive.

Where should we start? By practicing. You do not illuminate the darkness by reading or talking about a lamp, you need to switch it on.

Health and balance to all

Viviane Cruz


Scenes from Korčula - Large & Small Governor’s Towers


People of Korčula - Dea Botica