LD Spa - Opening on June 1st

Dear Valued Guests,

The LD Spa team want to start by thanking you for your cooperation and patience during this unprecedented COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak. We are glad to inform you that WE ARE OPENING FROM JUNE 1st and are committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our guests and staff members through the disinfection and sanitisation measures advised by the Croatian Health Ministry and the World Health Organization.

We are committed to providing a comfortable and safe experience at our Spa. We would like to be completely transparent with all our guests regarding the preventative measures we are implementing at LD Spa. 

Actions we are taking:

  • We are increasing our cleaning & disinfecting protocol by using EPA registered antimicrobial products for COVID-19

  • Our treatment rooms will be cleaned and disinfected before each guest to prevent any cross contamination

  • Every restroom and surface will be wiped down every few hours of every day by our staff

  • We urge all guests to wash their hands in our bathrooms and have a shower before arrival. Additionally, hand-sanitizer and alcohol spray will be placed throughout our facility

  • Our staff will be wearing protective equipment and masks will be supplied for guests. For the time being we will not be carrying out facial treatments

  • All our staff are trained to monitor customers entering the facility. We will take preventative measures at reception and spa, following the Croatian regulations.

If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, have a temperature above 37.2C, or have a persistent cough, kindly let us know and we will happily reschedule your appointment free of charge.

LD Spa prides our self on rational processes that go beyond recommended guidelines. There is no greater importance than the health and safety of our guests and staff, and we, at LD Spa, must do everything we can to keep our spa safe for everyone.

We thank you for your understanding and continued patience. We look forward to providing a pleasant experience at LD Spa, without fear or uncertainty, but instead with peace of mind and tranquility of the soul.

The LD Spa team

Dragi naši gosti,

LD Spa tim vam se prije svega želi zahvaliti na vašoj podršci i strpljenju tijekom pandemije COVID-19 virusom. S zadovoljstvom vas obavještavamo da LD SPA OTVARA SVOJA VRATA 1. LIPNJA te da ćemo se pridržavati svih preporučenih mjera Hrvatskog ministarstva zdravstva i Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije o dezinfekciji i sanitizaciji kako bismo našim gostima i osoblju pružili visok stupanj sigurnosti.

Izuzetno nam je važno da se tijekom boravka u LD Spa osjećate ugodno i sigurno. Ovim putem vas želimo upoznati s važnim informacijama o preventivnim mjerama koje ćemo primjenjivati:

  • Povećali smo učestalost čišćenja i dezinfekcije koristeći se EPA registriranim antimikrobnim sredstvima protiv COVID 19

  • Naše sobe za tretmane će se čistiti i dezinficirati prije svakog gosta kako bi se spriječilo moguće širenje zaraze

  • Sve toaleti i površine unutar LD Spa biti će dezinficirani nekoliko puta dnevno

  • Podsjećati ćemo sve naše goste na redovite pranje ruku* i tuširanju prije dolaska. Također, sredstva za dezinfekciju ruku biti će raspoređena po svim našim prostorijama

  • Naše osoblje će nositi zaštitnu opremu i svakom gostu će biti dodijeljena zaštitna maska. S obzirom na povećani rizik od zaraze iz naše ponude izbacili smo tretmane za lice.

  • Naše osoblje će pratiti i voditi ulazak gostiju u prostorije LD Spa. Poduzimati ćemo preventivne mjere na recepciji pridržavajući se propisanih regulacija RH

Ukoliko imate povišenu tjelesnu temperaturu preko 37.2.C, ili imate simptome prehlade, ljubazno vas molimo da nas obavijestite o tome te ćemo vam rado dati novi termin.

Iznimno nam je važna sigurnost i zdravlje naših gostiju i osoblja te ćemo se odgovorno pridržavati svih preporučenih uputa.

Zahvaljujemo vam na razumijevanju i strpljenju. Veselimo se pružiti vam ugodno iskustvo naših LD Spa tretmana u kojima ćete se osjećati sigurno i opušteno.

Vaš LD Spa tim


LD Palace x Playboy Slovenia


LD Spa is opening very soon