Scenes from Korčula - Sea Gate


Morska Vrata (Porta Maris) – Sea Gate at Korcula Old Town – is a western entrance to Korcula Old Town located right next to Tower Of Sea Gate (Tower Kula Morska Vrata), part of the Korcula’s medieval town walls. 💛
Tower Of Sea Gate has two cannon holes and two doors in the shape of the letter L, one on north and another on the east façade of the tower. The tower features lovely Venetian plaque of Lion of St Mark (winged lion of Venice). This small, crumbling tower has an inscription in Latin from 1592 stating, somewhat fancifully, that Korčula was founded after the fall of Troy. It now houses a souvenir shop. ⭐️



People of Korčula - Stipe Nobilo


Inner Me Session - Self-massage