Inner Me Session - Immortelle Oil

At the sight of this unique flower, our spring feelings really get up to full speed.

These adorable yellow tufts are the blossom heads of Helichryum italicum, also known as Immortelle. Wonderful to look at, with a wonderful honey-like aroma, this plant is found in its wild state in the dry and rocky ground around Korcula Island and the Peljesac, receiving enough energy under the radiant Mediterranean sun to produce an exquisite essential oil, which is a true treasure of nature with a thousand virtues.

The essential oil is a powerful healer and has cell regenerative properties. The hydrosol is astringent, a skin tonic, strong anti-inflammatory, cicatrizing, soothing, healing, and can improve cutaneous circulation. Used in synergy with blue chamomile, it creates a powerhouse skin-healing combo.

- Viviane Cruz, LD Spa Manager


Scenes from Korčula - Tower of the South Land Gate


Retro Thursday